Monday, September 4, 2017

Another School Year Begins. . .

Our eldest starts grade 3 tomorrow! It's hard to believe that, considering it feels like she just started Junior Kindergarten yesterday!  She has her clothes laid out for tomorrow, lunch has been packed and is waiting to add to her new backpack by the front door.

She went with a purple and blue American girl backpack this year, she said she didn't want a character, but she did choose a princess lunch box and found matching accessories, such as a pencil case and erasers, so she's not all grown up quite yet.

 The more she grows up the more I notice that she wants to be like her friends. A lot of them apparently bring Lunchables for lunch but Lunchables contain gluten and, due to her having Celiac disease, are not an option for her. So I did the next best thing. I made a home made "Lunchable" for tomorrow.  Her version may be a little bit healthier, though honestly I think it's debatable so don't feel bad if your kid is eating the name brand. lol

Our "Lunchable" knock off includes Rice Crackers (Hot Kid Brand), Piller's Turkey Kolbassa, Black Diamond Cheese string, Act 2 Microwave popcorn, President's Choice Strawberry Applesauce, and a Five Alive juice box.

Hopefully it's as much of a hit as my 71/2 year old expects. She's quite excited for lunch tomorrow and of course nervous and excited to start a new school year.

We'll find out officially at 8:45am tomorrow who her new teacher will be. Here's hoping it's a good one!

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